Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court

Moot Court

A moot court is a student competition in which the teams legally represent one party in a simulated court or arbitration proceeding based on a fictitious dispute. The court or tribunal, which is composed of renowned lawyers from the relevant legal field, evaluates the performance of the teams and decides which team prevails in the oral pleadings and advances to the next round.

In the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court, the subject of the proceedings is an investment protection dispute between a fictitious state and a foreign investor. The case consists of a historical event based on documented evidence, which is to be analysed according to the rules of modern investment law and contemporary public international law. Previous editions of the Moot Court have dealt with disputes from ancient Greece, modern times and cases from the 19th century. Teams are usually composed of 3-4 students. Participation is only possible for students in the diploma program.

The Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court consists of a written and an oral phase. First, two skeleton arguments have to be written in English, one representing the claimant investor and the other the respondent state. In a simulated hearing, the claimant and respondent’s counsels of our team meet the respective opposing side of the other teams.

The Section for International Law and International Relations also offers other courses for the participation in Moot Courts

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court

Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court